Working at SteerFox

is getting up every morning to join a team that shares a common goal.
To enable thousands of e-tailers in France and Europe to grow and become a real success story.







28 years

average age

4 years

average seniority

The choice of heart or reason

SteerFox is 2 teams, 2 offices for 2 times the richness and diversity.

People from all 4 corners of France who have chosen their professional environment: Aix-en-Provence or Paris 9.

Fundamental values at the heart of our team life


The well-being of every individual is at the heart of our concerns. We firmly believe in the power of kindness and empathy to create a positive and inclusive working environment.


We value innovation in everything we do. Each member is encouraged to constantly push his or her limits to achieve continuous improvement in actions and results.

Personal development

We encourage continuous learning and offer our employees training opportunities tailored to their needs and aspirations.

Mutual aid

Everyone is actively encouraged to share their knowledge and skills. By working together and celebrating our collective successes, we create a working environment where everyone feels valued and respected.





Joining SteerFox: what added value for your CV?

The little extras that make a big difference :

Femme qui tient la carte restaurant Swile dans les mains

A Swile menu to delight the most discerning gourmets with 60% cover

An advantageous company health insurance scheme with 60% cover

Photo prise lors du teambuilding au quizz room avec la FoxTeam

2 team buildings per year

Photo du padel

Padel sessions paid for by the company

Photo des bureaux Steerfox

Up to 2 days’ teleworking a week

Increase your happiness on a daily basis

Christopher's vision
CEO of Steerfox

“Our jobs are changing. Steerfox is proud to welcome young and experienced talent and develop their skills to serve our customers but also their future.”

Photo du directeur général de Steerfox